Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Another 2 weeks have gone by...

Like the title says, another two weeks have gone by, and once again I'm sorry for just now updating you all.

I have finally given birth!! My days of pregnancy are now officially over. (Thank you!! Thank you!!) Three days after I wrote the last update, I drove to the hospital for a routine check-up, and when I got there, the doctor checked me out and told me that I was 6cm dilated. I was ecstatic because that meant that I could head on over to the labor deck and have the baby later on that day or the next (though I was really hoping for the same day).

Anyways, to make a long story short, I had my baby girl at 3:48PM on Friday the 12th. She weighed 8 pounds 2.3 ounces, and was 20.25 inches long. We finally decided on a name too (obviously!) Please welcome Vanessa Huynh-Thy to the world.

Now let me tell you that this recovery period has been so much worse than with my first two. I could barely walk after I had Vanessa. My pelvic region (amongst other regions) have never been so sore. After I gave birth to my first two babies, my recovery time was just a few hours. With this one, almost two weeks later, and I am just beginning to feel normal. There were days where I almost cried because I couldn't get out of bed.

But, it has been almost 2 weeks since she was born, and I am so glad that she is healthy and happy, and her older siblings love her. I have been truly blessed because my other two children adore their baby sister and are always wanting to hold the baby and make sure that she is OK. Like the other day, Emma (my oldest) wanted to hold Vanessa, and she wouldn't give her back to us. They fell asleep on the couch together with Emma holding on to her, and it was just the cutest thing in the world.

On a sad note, my hubby had to leave us yesterday for 3 weeks. I knew he
had to go, and I was expecting this day to come, but I didn't think I was going to be this sad about him leaving. I have always kept everything together, especially for the children, but yesterday was really hard on me. It does get easier saying goodbye, but this last one took a toll on me emotionally.

Hopefully the next three weeks will fly by really quick, and my little (big)
family can be somewhat together again. I say somewhat because the Navy Base he works at is three hours away, and I have been commuting back and forth between there and our house for the past year and a half now.

Oh, before I forget I have to congratulate my friend Rachel on having her own bundle of joy. Her hubby works on the same boat as mine does, and we got pregnant at about the same time since the boat was deployed last year and we got pregnant like 2 months after they got home. But congratulations again Rachel!! ^_^

Come to think of it, there has been a lot of baby dust flying around. I now know of 4 people who are pregnant, 2 due in October and 2 due in February of next year. I wonder if there is something in the air that is causing all these babies to be conceived?? Hhhmmm, something to ponder over later.

Anyways, my newborn is sleeping and I actually have schoolwork that needs to get done. Remember when I said I was doing Medical Transcription from home? Well I still have to finish the schooling for that. I am way behind, and I need to finish up this one course before I can start the actual transcribing course. I have until the 18th of August to complete everything. Wish me luck!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Well, hello there world! I am so sorry I haven't posted anything in 2 weeks. Life has been super crazy. What has been going on? Well......

First of all, I would like to send congratulations to my husband. He is in the Navy, and has recently been promoted to First Class Petty Officer, and I cannot be more proud of him. He has worked so hard, and it has finally paid off. :-) Love you hunnie! With this new promotion, my husband and I have decided that re-enlisting for another 3 years in the Navy will be a lot better than going out into the civilian world. This decision has been in the "talking phase" since last year, when we knew that he only had a year left in the Navy. I am glad that we will have job security and great health benefits for our family.

Secondly, everyone here knows I'm pregnant, and my due date is today, and still no baby! :-( I am a very sad person, but I know that she will come out when she is ready and not a moment sooner (though I wish for my sake that she comes out really soon). We still have no name for our baby, although I think that we have decided on a name for her (which I won't mention here because I don't want to jinx the name), but I'm really not sure. Like with our previous babies, I know that we will finally know what her name is when we meet her.

Third, and this is more of a rant really because I cannot help but say what I am about to say... I am a miserable pregnant person! I love my children, and this just proves that I will endure endless hours of torture in order to have them. My ribs and pelvis feel like they are cracking. She will move one way, or punch me in another, and it feels like im dying. Yesterday as I was walking around the NEX (Navy Exchange - Navy version of Walmart), the baby decided to punch me in the pelvic region. While I admire her efforts in trying to make mommy pass out from the pain, I can't help but buckle down and beg for her to come out really soon. :-(

I have to apologize for the short post, but duty calls and children and their messes need me. Hopefully one day soon, my children will no longer spill their drinks or get food all over the carpet. Until that day comes, I guess I will just have to Simple Green the crap out of my carpet and pray that it will stand up to another year of craziness from my toddlers.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Peaceful Start

Ah, the joys of solitude and the peacefulness that washes over me when I wake up in the morning. I love it when my kids are asleep. They look so pretty, and perfect and that's when I find the time to really enjoy my life. I'm sitting here doing absolutely nothing at all, and it's so relaxing. At least until one of my kids wakes up and I have to start my routine for the day. Oh wait.....I think they're stirring....

7 hours later....

As I'm sure you all have realized, I haven't written anything in 7 hours. In those 7 hours, I have accomplished cleaning my kitchen, making 3 separate meals for my children, talked to my mom, cleaned up the kitchen some more, and have waited patiently for my husband to email me. I also started reading a book, much to my surprise because my children were playing quietly in their playroom and I thought hey, why not have somebody else entertain me for a little while? Of course, that only lasted until my youngest started whining and complaining about what his sister was doing, and I had to go play mediator.

I've also been wondering why we have no name for our baby. Yes, I am 37 weeks pregnant, and my husband and I have no name for our unborn baby yet. Do I feel guilty? A tad. Do I feel like I'm a bad mother? No, not really because I know that we're not going to name her Kal-El or Petal, or try to name her Q like the couple in Switzerland are trying to do.

My dear, sweet husband is so funny at times. I love him to death, but really, I don't think that I want to name the baby Tayloriza (after Taylor Swift and Eliza Dushku). Nor would I want to name the baby Tinu, what he calls a "combination of both of our names." I know he's just joking, but seriously, a pregnant woman can only veto so many times until she starts thinking that "Veto" and "No" would be good names for the baby.

We keep on going back and forth between names, and it seems like a lot of drama for something that should be really simple. Sometimes I just wish that there would be a random generation of names button that I can use, so we won't have to deal with this mess. Added on to the fact that my family is trying to give me their input about names, and I just have to keep on saying no. No, I cannot name the baby Victoria because there is already a Vicky in the family. No, I cannot name the baby Christina because my name is Tina, and that would be too weird.

*Sigh* I'm in baby name hell, and I just hope that we can agree on a name for her really soon.

And here I go again, being mediator. My children are bugging each other, and I have to go interfere before they start hurting themselves. I think it's because they've been inside all day and are starting to get cabin fever. Here's to hoping that tomorrow is a better day for my children.....yeah I don't forsee that hapening until they see their daddy but that's a whole other post right there. Good night and take care! :-)